Saturday, October 2, 2010

by Scott Westerfeld

Scott Westerfeld
Grades 8 and up
YA Fiction
Series: Uglies Series, Book Three

In the final installment of the Uglies Trilogy, the story picks up after Tally has had the surgeries and training required to become a Special Circumstances elite member. Tally enjoys the icy clarity she feels and views the world but part of her still holds onto Zane, the New Smoke and David. Ultimately, Tally will have to decide what is more important—doing what she is told and forced to do or deciding what is important to her than acting.

After the way the second book ended, I really wanted to know how the story would come to an end. I have to say, I am quite please overall. I am happy the way the story wraps up though I was initially unsure if I still like Tally. The progression of Tally’s character over the trilogy is quite amazing. The growth and change of her is evident over the trilogy—some of it is forced upon her and some of it is her growing and changing through the circumstances surrounding her and the trials she goes through. The consequences of decisions and your resulting actions and war would all make great discussion topics specific to this book. Over the whole trilogy, the common themes would include identity, sense of self, friendship, deception and betrayal and Utopian vs. Dystopian society.

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